Gym patron upset that a male employee attempted to clean the women's locker room, while she was showering. See Link: Stuff like this is soo silly, and wreaks of entitlement, (for one, she's a nomad and claims to have a fiance with a home, to go shower in; yea, so a totally avoidable situation). This is the risk you take when you use a public shower, there is zero guarantee that the employee will be a sex/gender that YOU are PERSONALLY comfortable with. Furthermore, YES he has to do his job, and NO you the customer do not set the rules. If his management says these are the times and methods in which you clean the bathroom, then you the customer don't really have authority to tell them otherwise. Additionally, imagine how UNSANITARY that bathroom would be if they only cleaned it once at night or early morning??? It's a gym for goodness sake, it has to be cleaned periodically 🤌🏾🥴Lastly, its always hypocritical when I see wom...